Thursday, May 21, 2020

Discrimination Against Men - 1350 Words

Discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. In today’s society, men are being discriminated against through the media, suffering from parental custody discrimination, being discriminated against in the courtroom and even for their choice of career. BBC reporter David Benatar said that, â€Å"the second sexism is that across the world men are more likely to be conscripted into the military, be victims of violence, lose custody of their children and take their own lives† (Castella, 2012). Even the way men are being portrayed on television and in film plays a big part in how they are treated in real life situations. The most common and subtle†¦show more content†¦Since men only receive custody of their children 8% of the time, â€Å"fathers are 97% of child support collections prosecutions† (Census Bureau). When men do actually get custody of their children, â€Å"the average child support payment due from women is half the amount due from men† (Gender Bias Against Men). So either way men are being asked to contribute more than women, whether he has sole custody of his children or not. Men are being denied custody of children even though studies have shown that growing up fatherless can affect the brains of children. Dr Gabriella Gobbi of McGill University in Montreal said that the main impacts of growing up in a fatherless home were seen in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. She had also said that â€Å"growing up without a father could permanently alter the structure of the brain and produce children who are more aggressive† (Spencer, 2013). Men also do not stand a chance at getting custody even if they are the primary caregiver of the child. â€Å"When the man is the primary caregiver his chances of winning custody are lower than when the woman is the primary caregiver† (Castella, 2012). The odds of winning custody are stacked firmly against the fathers and pretty much handedto the mothers. Even when both parents are together and are raising the children together, things are still not in the favour of men. While new mothers are given a maternity leave by their place of work to be able to spend time at home with their newborn, the same cannotShow MoreRelatedPay Gap Discrimination Against Working Women And Men Essay2161 Words   |  9 Pages â€Å"Pay gap discrimination against working Women and Men† â€Å"The day may be approaching when the whole world will recognize a woman as the equal of man.† This quote by the late Susan B Anthony speaks great volumes in regards to one of the raging issues of today. 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